
29 Mar 2013

My New Necron Army

Hey all, Learn2Eel here with a bit of a divergent article. Today, I'm going to talk about one of my favoured armies in Warhammer 40000 since I first glimpsed their models almost a decade ago - the Necrons - and how starting them up tomorrow morning (or tonight for those in the Northern Hemisphere) will be very much a great beginning to a unique journey.

28 Mar 2013

Painting an army 101: Part 2

'Molly' 1997 - 2013

Hey guys JT here with another post from teh large bag of fun otherwise known as Megavalhalla, where he shares some of his tips for getting an army painted in a time effective manner, you can also view my article on the same subject here.

     We at Imperator Guides also would like to share our deepest sympathies to L2E after the recent loss of his beautiful little dog named Molly, and we wish him all the best in dealing with that. As most of you will agree, the loss of a pet can sting just as much as the loss of a human family member - I certainly would feel the same if my dog were to pass. L2E had had this cute little fluff ball since before he went to school - and with the passing being so sudden and unexpected, it truly was an unfortunate shock.

    I'd also like to apologize for my lack of posts as of late, I've been confronted with some very difficult issues that have prevented me from working on the site, or even engaging in my therapeutic hobby sessions - hopefully everything will be resolved within the week and I can start updating you guys on my latest armies and provide some more tips to help you guys with all of your hobby endeavours.

25 Mar 2013

A Small Update

Hey all, I'm Learn2Eel and - as much as I don't want to - I have to provide a sour note for our blog today. I just wanted to let you all know that there has been a passing in my family recently, and as such I am struggling to write up articles that are to a standard I am satisfied with. It's been a bit of a dour few days, and I just wanted to let you all know why I haven't written up the Chaos Daemon articles I should have by now. Rest assured, I should have the Exalted Gifts section up tomorrow, and I'll try to keep up the progress on the Chaos Daemon mono-god articles. Hoping you are well! Cheers, and thanks for all the lovely feedback we have been receiving recently! It's so inspiring to hear that our work is appreciated so much :) Thanks again!

23 Mar 2013

Chaos Daemons Tactica - Greater Gifts

Howdy all, Learn2Eel here and I am back to talk about the new and (arguably) improved daemonic gifts for my new favourite army. Given that I have already covered the method in which Daemonic Gifts are randomly selected in great detail previously, I wanted to discuss the more specific combinations each Gift has, and whether or not any given one is worthwhile. This time, I'm focusing on the Greater Gifts and their applications. Enjoy!

22 Mar 2013

Chaos Daemons Tactica - Lesser Gifts

Howdy all, Learn2Eel here and I am back to talk about the new and (arguably) improved daemonic gifts for my new favourite army. Given that I have already covered the method in which Daemonic Gifts are randomly selected in great detail previously, I wanted to discuss the more specific combinations each Gift has, and whether or not any given one is worthwhile. This time, I'm focusing on the Lesser Gifts and their uses. Enjoy!

Chaos is Fickle

Howdy all, Learn2Eel here with a quick and perhaps humorous look at how truly.....'uncaring' the Chaos Gods can be. Suffice it to say - sometimes, the dice simply do not go your way.

20 Mar 2013

Khorne Daemons - Rejoice in Slaughter

Hey all, Learn2Eel here, and today I want to discuss the brutal, horrific incarnations of rage and bloodshed that are the Khorne Daemons. A fearsome army in close quarters combat, Khorne Daemons are perhaps the most iconic of all their daemonic kin; their physical form commonly matches the visual representations of 'demons' found in many literary works of the occult. Make no mistake - there shall be blood!

18 Mar 2013

Chaos Daemons - Codex Summary

Howdy there fellow war-gamers, I'm Learn2Eel and I am one happy Daemons player! This has been a long and arduous series, easily the most in-depth that I have done so far, and I hope that it has not disappointed throughout. Chaos Daemons are a challenging and fun army, one that needs a loose and adaptable mind to really make the most out of it. With throwbacks to the classic Lost and the Damned books, this codex has a special place in my hobbyist heart; it isn't perfect, but I've yet to write a Tactica that I have found as enjoyable - learning all the tricks of the trade hidden deep in the layers of this unholy tome has been both interesting and difficult. With units and synergies that reward a more tactically-apt mind, I think this is a codex designed not so much for newer gamers - as unfortunate as that might be - but it is very much a gift to those who ardently play Eldar, Dark Eldar and many other of the 'challenging' armies in Warhammer 40000. My final thoughts await on this codex, and I hope you have enjoyed this series as much as I have both dually writing it and reading your responses. Thanks again!
A quick note; this Tactica was written during the release week for Chaos Daemons. Thus, the Tactica does not account for the new Tau release.

17 Mar 2013

New Tau Images!

Hey all, we've got some breaking news for you; the Tau have been confirmed as the next codex release in this month's White Dwarf, with images now leaking around the internet! This initial round of pictures comes courtesy of sinowarrior over on Warseer. For any and all discussion, check out +Bell of Lost Souls for the latest news and updates! Enjoy!

16 Mar 2013

Chaos Daemons Tactica - Heavy Support

Hey all, I'm Learn2Eel and I love the new Chaos Daemons. Today, I want to talk about our Heavy Support choices, how they fit into the army, and whether or not they are worth your time. Enjoy!
A quick note; this Tactica was written during the release week for Chaos Daemons. Thus, the Tactica does not account for the new Tau release.

15 Mar 2013

JT's SlaNurglesh Army

Not sure if want.
   Hey guys, JT the silent here to break the...silence...and talk about my daemon's list! It is a theory list, I'm trying to fiddle with the book to find some cool lists that aren't stupidly cheesy and are still fun to play with - I want my opponent to have some fun too. My first thought was to run 100 Daemonettes for teh lulz - but that's just too many androgynous little sticks to paint; and I would get crushed - which is not strictly speaking fun. So I will write up a semi - serious list, have a chat about it and try and get you guys to share your well informed thoughts.
   As a fan of the fat lord of death, and the fluff behind Slaanesh (with the whole killing the Eldar and eating their souls thing) I've decided to do the exact opposite to L2E and do a mixed Nurgle/Slaanesh list. Will it be awesome? Maybe! I'm thinking of painting up the army so they all look similar colour - wise, with a pale, withered flesh tone and some gimpy black styling - also tattoo's, must have the tattoo's.

Fun with Chaos Daemons

Hey guys, I am Learn2Eel and I absolutely love the new Chaos Daemons! I'm here to talk about some of the fun I have had with the hellish-beasties of nightmare, and explain a bit why I've delayed the ongoing Heavy Support review for the Tactica. Rest assured, that article will be out in the wilderness soon enough!

12 Mar 2013

Chaos Daemons Tactica - Fast Attack

Howdy everyone, I am Learn2Eel and I am here to talk about the exciting Fast Attack selection from the new Chaos Daemons codex! With some very cheap and effective units available, a lot of tough decisions will likely be made by hobbyists everywhere as they decide which units to purchase. I hope you find this article both entertaining and intriguing.
A quick note; this Tactica was written during the release week for Chaos Daemons. Thus, the Tactica does not account for the new Tau release.

11 Mar 2013

Chaos Daemons Tactica - Elites

Hey all, Learn2Eel here and I want to talk about our quirky and quick Elites slot this time around. Though they are more reliant on smaller multi-wound units than large numbers, their speed and capabilities make them more useful than at first glance. I hope you like them!
A quick note; this Tactica was written during the release fortnight for Chaos Daemons. Thus, the Tactica does not account for the new Tau release.

10 Mar 2013

Chaos Daemons Tactica - Troops

Howdy all, Learn2Eel here, and I am back to discuss the new and exciting Chaos Daemons. This time around I will be talking about our very cheap Troops choices, units that may not have the most obvious applications, but work extremely well when used in specific strategies. Enjoy!
A quick note; this Tactica was written during the release week for Chaos Daemons. Thus, the Tactica does not account for the new Tau release.

8 Mar 2013

Is 6th Edition Good for WH40K?

   Hey guys, JT here with a somewhat retrospective article on the divisive trends and rule set that is 6th Edition, and what this new trend of cinematic gaming means for our beloved WH40K. Just what exactly is with the new Codex's and why are they so...balanced next to each other yet the game is still ruled by GK, IG and Necrons; and what happened with the new warp storm table? Does GW risk alienating part of its loya customer base with these changes, and is the new direction enough to help bring in new gamers and strengthen an incredibly niche market.

Taking a Break

   Hey guys, JT here with some news for those of you anxious to get your hands on the next section of L2E's Daemon's tactica for WH40k - I decided to give L2E a break from the site, as he has been running himself into the ground lately doing articles and helping people out in forums across the internet. We haven't, as of yet - had much time to take a breather since the site was launched, and as the site has really taken off. We will be posting from the High Elves tactica series in the mean time; and we may have the Daemon's Troops section up in the coming hours; however I can't make any guarantees.
   Thanks for the patience guys, we will be trying to bring you the content you guys want in the coming days.

L2E's High Elves Tactica - Heroes & Mounts


High Elven Heroes tend to be somewhat expensive, but effective combat or support characters that can gel really with certain other units. Mages are a very cheap way to add an extra spellcaster into your army, whilst Nobles double as both an all but necessary Battle Standard Bearer and nasty offensive heroes. Dragon Mages, whilst generally not as useful as the other Heroes, are an awesome way to add extra Dragons into a Caledor-themed army, whilst Caradryan and Korhil are both superb fighters with their own unique strengths. Whilst the named heroes are superb and somewhat costly, unlike the named Lords they are almost always worth their weight in gold even compared against similarly equipped Nobles.

7 Mar 2013

Big MegaV - It's Disgusting!

Grand Father Nurgle… bestow your blessings upon me!

Big Mega V (Megavlhalla) here to tell you all how much my soul and flesh and has been corrupted by

One week ago today I went to the local GW, I first laid my eyes upon the monthly White Dwarf;
since then my soul has been taken by Nurgle’s loving embrace and I decided to start off my own
themed Nurgle Daemons army full of Plague Drones of Nurgle, Nurglings etc….

Space Marines - Creating a Home Brew Chapter

I'm ALL about teh fluff.
   Hey guys JT here with another article in our Space Marines series of articles focusing on the creation of a Home Brew Chapter or how to use a Canon Chapter in an effective way; you can find the previous articles in the series here and here; which are also indexed in the Hobby Portal. Today I will be talking about the creation process involved, as well as providing a template for you guys to take away and distribute/keep however you see fit.

Click the 'read more' link below to view the article.

5 Mar 2013

Chaos Daemons Tactica - Heralds and Princes (HQ)

Howdy all, Learn2Eel here and I am back to offer my thoughts on the awesome Chaos Daemons. This time, I will again be exploring the incredibly extensive HQ section, particularly the Heralds of Chaos; highlighting some powerful builds, the awesome potential, and the ever vigilant supporting cast. I hope you find this article both exciting and helpful in your struggles against the mortal realm!
A quick note; this Tactica was written during the release week for Chaos Daemons. Thus, the Tactica does not account for the new Tau release.

4 Mar 2013

Chaos Daemons Tactica - Greater Daemons (HQ)

Hey all, I'm Learn2Eel and I am back to give you my insights on the terrifying Chaos Daemons. This time, I will be delving into the incredibly extensive HQ section, particularly the Greater Daemons; highlighting some powerful builds, the awesome potential, and the ever vigilant supporting cast. I hope you find this article both exciting and helpful in your struggles against the mortal realm! 

3 Mar 2013

Chaos Daemons Tactica - Army Special Rules

Chaos Daemons

Howdy all, Learn2Eel here with my latest Tactica series - this time, I will be highlighting the new and improved Chaos Daemons! Having already been one of the more unique armies in the game, Chaos Daemons have seen a complete overhaul - perhaps the most significant in many years. This means that many old crux units and strategies simply will not work as in their previous incarnation, but there are a lot of stronger and cheaper units to compensate for this, as well as a focus on more balanced army lists. Though I think they are great changes for the most part, the real weight is on you - I am very interested to see the community's reactions to this codex! In any case, without wasting any more of your time, read on - I hope you enjoy this long and arduous work!

2 Mar 2013

Chaos Daemons - Initial Impressions

Hey guys, Learn2Eel here with my first impressions of the awesome new Chaos Daemons! I'm very excited to discuss the nightmarish beasts that comprise this lovingly rendered codex, and I hope you find this read both entertaining and insightful! For those who are interested in the entirely units, I have also gone into a bit more detail about what I think of their role in the army. Enjoy!

1 Mar 2013

The Quiet Before The Storm

   Hey guys, JT here with just a quick announcement - we have been quiet the past few days; and we do apologize to our loyal readers for this (the fact we even have loyal readers after only 3 weeks of existence is amazing xD) but we will be making it up to everyone with the sheer boat load of coverage we will have up tomorrow for the new Daemons Codex - we will be beginning with a Codex Summary for everyone to read whilst they await the opening of the local stores in their territory (being in Australia mean's we're ahead of the rest of the world) and will follow up the same day with the start of L2E's Daemon's tactica series. I will update with approximate time's for both sometime later today; however, we aim to have both articles up and ready by 6am for North America (EST?) and 11am for the UK.

So, just how excited are you guys for the new Daemon's? We know we are!