Hey guys, my name is Learn2Eel, and today I'm going to be bringing you
another article in the Tyranid Tactica series! With the sheer breadth of this Tactica series where each unit has its own independent article, I realized that fresh viewers would likely have trouble sifting through all of the unique articles. To this end, I have collated the "Best Uses" section of each HQ review so far into this one article to give a general sense of how to use each unit. Additionally, I have included links to each individual article under each of these "Best Uses" sections so that you can easily expand the available information on the unit you are interested in! I have also fully updated the Tactica Portal so that the articles can be easily found for further viewing, as well as the structuring of future articles. Please, let me know if you like this format, as I appreciate any and all feedback! I hope you enjoy this article!
31 Jan 2014
30 Jan 2014
Tactica Tyranids - Deathleaper
Hey guys, my name is Learn2Eel, and today I'm going to be bringing you
another article in the Tyranid Tactica series! Lictors are among the galaxy's most feared predators, and no single beast has ever inspired as much fear as the legendary Deathleaper. A creature that is the stuff of horror tales in every civilization, Deathleaper alone was responsible for the breakdown in leadership on Saint Caspelan, leading to its downfall at the hands of the Swarm. I hope you enjoy this article!
29 Jan 2014
Tactica Tyranids - Tyranid Prime
Hey guys, my name is Learn2Eel, and today I'm going to be bringing you
another article in the Tyranid Tactica series! Tyranid Primes are the only fully fledged Independent Character in the Tyranid codex, and while they are generally over-costed - especially when compared to Hive Tyrants - being able to hide in a brood of Carnifexes while providing Synapse is just awesome. In fact, Primes will see use in competitive lists for this reason alone, their damage output and durability be damned! I hope you enjoy this article!
28 Jan 2014
Tactica Tyranids - Tervigon
Hey guys, my name is Learn2Eel, and today I'm going to be bringing you
another article in the Tyranid Tactica series! The Tervigon has become an iconic fixture in 5th Edition and 6th Edition Tyranid army lists with the previous codex due to its staggering versatility as a Troops choice monstrous creature that could double as a Warlord. While it has seen reductions in effectiveness, removal of certain abilities and penalties to those remaining, the Tervigon is still a great choice for any Tyranid army list and one that can swing a game in your favour with its potential to spawn scoring bodies. I hope you enjoy this article!
27 Jan 2014
Tactica Tyranids - Old One Eye
Hey guys, my name is Learn2Eel, and today I'm going to be bringing you
another article in the Tyranid Tactica series! One of the iconic hold-overs from 3rd Edition Tyranids, Old One Eye has taken up a new role in the HQ slot, something that will definitely interest those aiming for a themed force involving massed Carnifexes. A tough nut to crack and one that can absolutely slaughter most anything that gets in its path, Old One Eye is one of two HQ choices that doesn't bring that pivotal Synapse to the table. Whether or not the classic bug strikes your fancy may very well be based upon this fact, so always make sure you have lots of other Synapse creatures if you bring the wounded beast of Calth to battle. I hope you enjoy this article!
26 Jan 2014
Tactica Tyranids - Tyrant Guard
Hey guys, my name is Learn2Eel, and today I'm going to be bringing you
another article in the Tyranid Tactica series! Tyrant Guard have adopted the bio traits of Space Marines, sacrificing eyes and other important facial features so as to not compromise what is a near impenetrable armoured shell. These monstrous guardians serve as the protectors of a Hive Fleets' Hive Tyrants, perhaps the most important synaptic links to a Norn Queen in a swarm. As massive as the one they protect, and adapted with weapons to crush any foe, the Tyrant Guard are a truly fearsome sight. Led by a Hive Tyrant, these simple creatures become ferocious defenders unparalleled. I hope you enjoy this article!
25 Jan 2014
Tactica Tyranids - Hive Tyrants (Flying)
Hey guys, my name is Learn2Eel, and today I'm going to be bringing you
another article in the Tyranid Tactica series! Hive Tyrants are the
commanders of the swarms, the lynchpin that connects a Tyranid ground
invasion force to its brood-mother, the Norn Queen, in the orbiting Hive
Fleet. These are the most important creatures in a standard Tyranid
army, and great care must be taken so that they survive. For this
reason, Hive Tyrants that stalk the earth are protected either through
specially engineered protectors, the Tyrant Guard, or adapted wings to
allow them to soar above a battlefield and freely prey on the foes they
choose. In this article, I will be covering the latter Hive Tyrant
variety. I hope you enjoy this article!
24 Jan 2014
Tactica Tyranids - Hive Tyrants (Ground)
Hey guys, my name is Learn2Eel, and today I'm going to be bringing you another article in the Tyranid Tactica series! Hive Tyrants are the commanders of the swarms, the lynchpin that connects a Tyranid ground invasion force to its brood-mother, the Norn Queen, in the orbiting Hive Fleet. These are the most important creatures in a standard Tyranid army, and great care must be taken so that they survive. For this reason, Hive Tyrants that stalk the earth are protected either through specially engineered protectors, the Tyrant Guard, or adapted wings to allow them to soar above a battlefield and freely prey on the foes they choose. In this article, I will be covering the former Hive Tyrant variety. I hope you enjoy this article!
23 Jan 2014
Tactica Tyranids - The Swarmlord
Hey guys, I'm Learn2Eel and today I'm here to talk about the new Tyranid codex! I'm going to be trialling shorter articles focusing on one unit at a time, a content form that should allow me to post up a Tactics article every night. I'm really keen to see the feedback to this type of article, as it is obviously a very big change from the bloated articles of the past. Please let me know if you prefer these smaller single-unit-review articles, or if you want me to continue with the old style! To mark this occasion, who else could I cover but the Swarmlord, the most deadly organism ever conceived by the other-worldly Hive Mind. I hope you enjoy this article!
20 Jan 2014
Tactica Tyranids - Synapse
Hey there everyone, I am Learn2Eel and this is going to be the first official Tyranid Tactica article! There has been a lot of heated discussion about this codex ever since its release, and while I could cover that here, I'm going to strictly cover the tactics for each unit in the book. Everyone has a different opinion on the Tyranid Codex, and I feel that isn't really relevant to what I want to talk about. However, if you do have any thoughts on the codex and what could have been changed, or what you like, feel free to leave a comment here! Without further ado, I hope you enjoy the article!
17 Jan 2014
Tyranids - Mini Review
Hey guys, Learn2Eel here with a first look at the new Tyranid Codex! This series is going to be a long one, and for those that just want to see what has changed with the new book compared to the old one, this article should be everything you need in one spot. This will follow the simple, short format of my Chaos Space Marine and Dark Angel Tacticas, but bear in mind that I will be posting up the full Tactica series with similar formatting to Space Marines in the coming weeks. I hope you find this a useful article!
15 Jan 2014
Tyranids and Chaos Dwarves
Hey guys, Learn2Eel here with a little update for those craving some more thoughts on the (sadly) highly controversial new Tyranid codex. I've had trouble accessing Blogger lately to post articles for some weird reason, but it seems to have resolved itself. As it stands, I'm still going through the Tyranid codex as I haven't had much time to really go over it - it's been a bit of a busy weekend! I do have some thoughts to share though, so expect one of those "Top 'x' Changes" articles in the coming days. I've also decided to do an easily digestible mini-review similar in vein to my old Chaos Space Marine and Dark Angels Tacticas, just to give people looking for more streamlined and quickly read views on the codex. This will be in addition to the main review, and due to the incredible reception the "Seven Days of Glory" received, I will be doing a fluffy Tyranid equivalent....mwahahaha!
11 Jan 2014
Learn2Eel here with a special update to conclude not only our Seven Days of Glory, but our Space Marine Tactica - we have officially reached over 300,000 views! Thank you all so much for your support of our blog! I hope that the future Tactica series' are up to the standard you have come to expect from me! Thanks again!
7 Days of Glory - Black Templars
Since the dawn of the Imperium, countless heroes have risen to combat
the forces of disorder. Their names sung in the annals of history and
celebrated by trillions, each has shown such surest bravery and skill to
be forever remembered as the finest champions of the God Emperor. But
few among them can claim to have defended the Imperium time and again
for over ten thousand years, and it is to this most glorious accolade
that the Chapters of the Space Marines have taken. Their peerless
prowess in combat and almost fanatical dedication to the preservation of
the Imperium has marked them out as the Emperor's most favoured
warriors, the aptly named Angels of Death. It is thus that the Codex
Imperator dictates that the most revered of these Chapters shall be
commemorated for their many heroic deeds; this is the week of glory,
where the greatest of heroes are given the respect only they deserve.
10 Jan 2014
7 Days of Glory - Raven Guard
Since the dawn of the Imperium, countless heroes have risen to combat
the forces of disorder. Their names sung in the annals of history and
celebrated by trillions, each has shown such surest bravery and skill to
be forever remembered as the finest champions of the God Emperor. But
few among them can claim to have defended the Imperium time and again
for over ten thousand years, and it is to this most glorious accolade
that the Chapters of the Space Marines have taken. Their peerless
prowess in combat and almost fanatical dedication to the preservation of
the Imperium has marked them out as the Emperor's most favoured
warriors, the aptly named Angels of Death. It is thus that the Codex
Imperator dictates that the most revered of these Chapters shall be
commemorated for their many heroic deeds; this is the week of glory,
where the greatest of heroes are given the respect only they deserve.
9 Jan 2014
7 Days of Glory - Salamanders
Since the dawn of the Imperium, countless heroes have risen to combat
the forces of disorder. Their names sung in the annals of history and
celebrated by trillions, each has shown such surest bravery and skill to
be forever remembered as the finest champions of the God Emperor. But
few among them can claim to have defended the Imperium time and again
for over ten thousand years, and it is to this most glorious accolade
that the Chapters of the Space Marines have taken. Their peerless
prowess in combat and almost fanatical dedication to the preservation of
the Imperium has marked them out as the Emperor's most favoured
warriors, the aptly named Angels of Death. It is thus that the Codex
Imperator dictates that the most revered of these Chapters shall be
commemorated for their many heroic deeds; this is the week of glory,
where the greatest of heroes are given the respect only they deserve.
8 Jan 2014
7 Days of Glory - Iron Hands
Since the dawn of the Imperium, countless heroes have risen to combat
the forces of disorder. Their names sung in the annals of history and
celebrated by trillions, each has shown such surest bravery and skill to
be forever remembered as the finest champions of the God Emperor. But
few among them can claim to have defended the Imperium time and again
for over ten thousand years, and it is to this most glorious accolade
that the Chapters of the Space Marines have taken. Their peerless
prowess in combat and almost fanatical dedication to the preservation of
the Imperium has marked them out as the Emperor's most favoured
warriors, the aptly named Angels of Death. It is thus that the Codex
Imperator dictates that the most revered of these Chapters shall be
commemorated for their many heroic deeds; this is the week of glory,
where the greatest of heroes are given the respect only they deserve.
7 Jan 2014
7 Days of Glory - Imperial Fists
Since the dawn of the Imperium, countless heroes have risen to combat
the forces of disorder. Their names sung in the annals of history and
celebrated by trillions, each has shown such surest bravery and skill to
be forever remembered as the finest champions of the God Emperor. But
few among them can claim to have defended the Imperium time and again
for over ten thousand years, and it is to this most glorious accolade
that the Chapters of the Space Marines have taken. Their peerless
prowess in combat and almost fanatical dedication to the preservation of
the Imperium has marked them out as the Emperor's most favoured
warriors, the aptly named Angels of Death. It is thus that the Codex
Imperator dictates that the most revered of these Chapters shall be
commemorated for their many heroic deeds; this is the week of glory,
where the greatest of heroes are given the respect only they deserve.
6 Jan 2014
7 Days of Glory - White Scars
Since the dawn of the Imperium, countless heroes have risen to combat
the forces of disorder. Their names sung in the annals of history and
celebrated by trillions, each has shown such surest bravery and skill to
be forever remembered as the finest champions of the God Emperor. But
few among them can claim to have defended the Imperium time and again
for over ten thousand years, and it is to this most glorious accolade
that the Chapters of the Space Marines have taken. Their peerless
prowess in combat and almost fanatical dedication to the preservation of
the Imperium has marked them out as the Emperor's most favoured
warriors, the aptly named Angels of Death. It is thus that the Codex
Imperator dictates that the most revered of these Chapters shall be
commemorated for their many heroic deeds; this is the week of glory,
where the greatest of heroes are given the respect only they deserve.
5 Jan 2014
7 Days of Glory - Ultramarines
Since the dawn of the Imperium, countless heroes have risen to combat the forces of disorder. Their names sung in the annals of history and celebrated by trillions, each has shown such surest bravery and skill to be forever remembered as the finest champions of the God Emperor. But few among them can claim to have defended the Imperium time and again for over ten thousand years, and it is to this most glorious accolade that the Chapters of the Space Marines have taken. Their peerless prowess in combat and almost fanatical dedication to the preservation of the Imperium has marked them out as the Emperor's most favoured warriors, the aptly named Angels of Death. It is thus that the Codex Imperator dictates that the most revered of these Chapters shall be commemorated for their many heroic deeds; this is the week of glory, where the greatest of heroes are given the respect only they deserve.
1 Jan 2014
Tactica Space Marines - Heavy Support Part Four
Hey there everyone, my name is Learn2Eel and today I want to talk about
the toys everyone wants, the Space Marine Heavy Support units! Space
Marines have an unparalleled selection of diverse units in the Heavy
Support slot, giving them far more options in the simple game of
shooting than any other codex out there. I hope you enjoy this article!
Happy Nid Year
From the team here at Imperator Guides, we wish you a very Happy Nid Year! May your Nid Year be full of accomplishment, joy, and much ingestion!