Hey guys, my name is Learn2Eel, and today I'm going to be bringing you
another article in the Tyranid Tactica series! Raveners are snake-like predators that are created with ambush and disruption in mind, a role that doesn't really translate well to the table top. They are capable of Deep Striking as well as having innately high mobility, but their actual abilities are otherwise suited for a straight combat unit, one that isn't as effective as one would want. I
hope you enjoy this article!
27 Feb 2014
25 Feb 2014
Imperial Knights, Dwarves and Vampire Counts
Howdy guys, my name is Learn2Eel and today I'm going to be looking at two subjects very close to my heart; Imperial Knights and Vampire Counts. Now, while I might be a pathetic bandwagoner, I am honest in my appreciation of these two particular armies and what they mean for my hobby life-style. As an aside, I have a few early impressions of Dwarves to give!
23 Feb 2014
Tactica Tyranids - Shrikes
Hey guys, my name is Learn2Eel, and today I'm going to be bringing you
another article in the Tyranid Tactica series! Shrikes are, literally, flying Warriors that trade durability for mobility in what proves to be a more interesting unit than their walking kin. Though they are still without an official model from Games Workshop, requiring both the basic Warrior models and conversion packs from Forge World, Shrikes are nonetheless an option to consider for many a Tyranid general. This is because they are one of the quickest Synapse units, able to easily keep up with Hormagaunts, Gargoyles and - to a lesser extent - Harpies and Crones. I
hope you enjoy this article!
21 Feb 2014
Tactica Tyranids - Elites Summary
Hey guys, my name is Learn2Eel, and today I'm going to be bringing you
another article in the Tyranid Tactica series! Due to the positive
response I have received, I have decided to make these Summary articles a
regular fixture for the Tyranid Tactica series. I have collated the
"Best Uses"
section of each Elites review so far into this one article to give a
general sense of how to use each unit. Additionally, I have included
links to each individual article under each of these "Best Uses"
sections so that you can easily expand the available information on the
unit you are interested in. I hope you enjoy this
19 Feb 2014
Tactica Tyranids - Pyrovores
Hey guys, my name is Learn2Eel, and today I'm going to be bringing you
another article in the Tyranid Tactica series! In the 5th Edition codex, Pyrovores were regarded as one of - if not the - worst units in the game. Sadly, fortune really hasn't smiled on these maligned beasts in the new codex either. They may seem more effective at first glance, but the loss of a certain unit in the 6th Edition transition has left them in the dark. I
hope you enjoy this article!
I'm going to be frank and up front. Don't take this article seriously. We know the rules designers that worked on the Pyrovore didn't take that poor creature seriously either. Though it may seem like I am getting really worked up and going on a rant, I'm just trying to poke fun at the situation, which is that the poor Pyrovore is endangered. Am I a terrible person for doing so? Probably, but at least the call to save the Pyrovore might finally be heard!
I'm going to be frank and up front. Don't take this article seriously. We know the rules designers that worked on the Pyrovore didn't take that poor creature seriously either. Though it may seem like I am getting really worked up and going on a rant, I'm just trying to poke fun at the situation, which is that the poor Pyrovore is endangered. Am I a terrible person for doing so? Probably, but at least the call to save the Pyrovore might finally be heard!
18 Feb 2014
Posts Every Two Days?
Hey guys, Learn2Eel here again with a quick question for you guys. Is it ok if I alternate to a two-daily schedule for posting articles? I'm thinking that will be the best balance between writing articles and having break-time. What do you guys think? Cheers for any input! Eel out.
Oh, and the Share button on the PC version of Blogger still isn't working......but the mobile button is? Anyone else experiencing issues like that?
Oh, and the Share button on the PC version of Blogger still isn't working......but the mobile button is? Anyone else experiencing issues like that?
17 Feb 2014
Tactica Tyranids - Haruspexes
Hey guys, my name is Learn2Eel, and today I'm going to be bringing you
another article in the Tyranid Tactica series! The Haruspex is a bio-titan made purely for consuming any and all life that gets in its way, much like the Ripper Swarms that scuttle beneath its feet. Its great maw and ridiculously long tongue make it an instantly recognizable and entirely distinct model, but its rules sadly don't live up to such standards. I
hope you enjoy this article!
16 Feb 2014
Thoughts on the new Tactica?
Hey guys, Learn2Eel here with another little quick update before tomorrows' resumption of the Tyranid Tactica. I wanted to ask what you guys have thought of this Tactica series so far, and how it stacks up compared to my other ones. I'm thinking of stuff like the length of the articles, how often I post them up, the structuring of the articles with the different sections, and even the overall quality of them. How has the Tyranid Tactica been helping you guys out, and what has been your reception of them? I'd love to hear some feedback! I post this because I am generally interested for the future of this series and whether any changes should be made. Also, I think tomorrow's article might be rather controversial....In any case, thanks for any input guys! Eel out.
EDIT: Have any other Bloggers been unable to Share their articles? Every time I click the Share button, it goes to the "over-screen" as normal, but the Share window itself never pops up. Any suggestions? I guess I have to share with +Bell of Lost Souls the traditional way!
EDIT: Have any other Bloggers been unable to Share their articles? Every time I click the Share button, it goes to the "over-screen" as normal, but the Share window itself never pops up. Any suggestions? I guess I have to share with +Bell of Lost Souls the traditional way!
14 Feb 2014
Recommend Builds Added!
Hey guys, Learn2Eel here with another quick update! I have added the short and sweet Recommended Builds section to each Tyranid article not based on a Special Character. I hope you like them!
11 Feb 2014
A Temporary 'Nid Nap
Hey guys, Learn2Eel with a little update and one that I hope isn't too disappointing! The size and scope of the Tyranid Tactica series is unbelievable even to me, and posting an average eight to nine paragraph article up every day for a few weeks now is starting to drain on me. I wish to take a small break from the series so that I can set up my next few articles, sort out a few other article series I am looking at doing in the future, and also retroactively edit my Tyranid Tactica articles to add in a new "Recommended Build" section! This break will at most last a week, but will probably finish before then. I'm sorry for the delay and hope you guys are all doing well with your new Tyranids! Thanks again! Eel out.
10 Feb 2014
Tactica Tyranids - Venomthropes
Hey guys, my name is Learn2Eel, and today I'm going to be bringing you
another article in the Tyranid Tactica series! Venomthropes are another key support unit that the Elites section provides, showing clear inspiration and similarities to Zoanthrope broods. But where Zoanthropes are psychic artillery batteries and Synapse generators, Venomthropes are built for providing extra defences to nearby Tyranids, giving them boosted cover saves to try and make up for the army-wide lack of invulnerable saves. I
hope you enjoy this article!
9 Feb 2014
Tactica Tyranids - Zoanthropes
Hey guys, my name is Learn2Eel, and today I'm going to be bringing you
another article in the Tyranid Tactica series! As the Tyranids clashed with Eldar Craftworlds across the galaxy, new monstrosities emerged as cruel representations of the noble, dying race. Most prominent among them are the Zoanthropes, seemingly under-developed and by no means dangerous beasts. Nothing could be further from the truth though, as Zoanthropes are the psychic artillery of the Tyranid race, capable of untold devastation while they control lesser beasts with their Synaptic powers. I hope you enjoy
this article!
8 Feb 2014
Tactica Tyranids - Lictors
Hey guys, my name is Learn2Eel, and today I'm going to be bringing you
another article in the Tyranid Tactica series! The Tyranids are not above - or beyond, depending on how you interpret a species so alien - resorting to assassination to destabilize and weaken a planet, and Lictors are billed as masters of the art. Though it isn't really their purpose, it is still something they pull off frequently in the background. They are a fragile and unwieldy unit in-game as you would likely expect, and one with a plethora of special rules and cool abilities. I hope you enjoy
this article!
7 Feb 2014
Tactica Tyranids - Hive Guard
Hey guys, my name is Learn2Eel, and today I'm going to be bringing you
another article in the Tyranid Tactica series! Hive Guard are a blind Tyranid sub-species created for defending Tyranid feeding "structures" such as capillary towers. Though they aren't the most effective ranged unit, their survivability is rather high for a ranged Tyranid unit. I hope you enjoy this article!
6 Feb 2014
Tactica Tyranids - Troops Summary
Hey guys, my name is Learn2Eel, and today I'm going to be bringing you
another article in the Tyranid Tactica series! Due to the positive response I have received, I have decided to make these Summary articles a regular fixture for the Tyranid Tactica series. I have collated the "Best Uses"
section of each Troop review so far into this one article to give a
general sense of how to use each unit. Additionally, I have included
links to each individual article under each of these "Best Uses"
sections so that you can easily expand the available information on the
unit you are interested in. I hope you enjoy this
5 Feb 2014
Tactica Tyranids - Ripper Swarms
Hey guys, my name is Learn2Eel, and today I'm going to be bringing you
another article in the Tyranid Tactica series! Rippers have been a staple of the Tyranid race for several editions now, and are one of the few Swarm units remaining in Warhammer 40000. Unfortunately, their luck in the past few codices has steadily decreased, something that the new book has failed to address. This does not mean they are useless, however, merely that you have to use them in very specific roles to enjoy and real viability out of them. I hope you enjoy this article!
4 Feb 2014
Tactica Tyranids - Hormagaunts
Hey guys, my name is Learn2Eel, and today I'm going to be bringing you
another article in the Tyranid Tactica series! Hormagaunts are the more aggressive of the two most common sub-species of Tyranids comprising the former "gaunt" genus, designed to overwhelm opponents in close quarters combat. But where other Tyranids are birthed in the Hive Fleets and spawning pools, Hormagaunts are born pregnant and lay eggs before rushing into battle. These new births quickly hatch and dive straight into battle under the control of a Synapse creature, but not before also making way for the next wave. Facing even one brood of Hormagaunts is thus a nightmare for defenders, as unless one can deal with the broodlings quickly, more and more will spawn endlessly. I hope you enjoy this article!
3 Feb 2014
Tactica Tyranids - Termagants
Hey guys, my name is Learn2Eel, and today I'm going to be bringing you
another article in the Tyranid Tactica series! There are two primary organisms that make up the massive numbers of a Hive Fleets' invasion forces; the Hormagaunts and Termagants. Where the Hormagaunts are simple melee beasts, the Termagants are more careful creatures armed with ranged biomorphs. Their interplay with the monstrous Tervigon as well as their defensive uses with potential Overwatch and snap firing at Flying Monstrous Creatures gives them greater utility over Hormagaunts at the cost of strict melee effectiveness. I hope you enjoy this article!
2 Feb 2014
Tactica Tyranids - Genestealers
Hey guys, my name is Learn2Eel, and today I'm going to be bringing you
another article in the Tyranid Tactica series! There are many dark portents of an impending Tyranid invasion, but none are more sinister than in infestation by the nefarious Genestealers. Weaving their way undetected through planetary defences and civilian populations, these humanoid creatures intermingle with the local populace, using telepathy and various disgusting measures to gain control of millions of citizens. These innocents are purged of their humanity and give birth to revolting hybrids, eventually leading to many planetary uprisings to destabilize and demoralize the planet, making it easy prey for the Hive Fleets. I hope you enjoy this article!
1 Feb 2014
Tactica Tyranids - Warriors
Hey guys, my name is Learn2Eel, and today I'm going to be bringing you
another article in the Tyranid Tactica series! Warriors are the most iconic and classic of all Tyranids, existing in the fiction for the race since their inception back in the Rogue Trader era. They have always been the archetype, the true identity of the Tyranids. Though they have not seen the justice they deserve from a rules perspective, they nonetheless have their many uses on the battlefield. I hope you enjoy this article!