
30 May 2014

Psykers in 7th Edition - Psychic Disciplines Part Two

Hey there folks, I am Learn2Eel from Imperator Guides and today marks the continuation of my analysis on psykers in 7th Edition. Thanks to many of our friends in the Bell of Lost Souls blogging network (specifically to 40k Daemons for the leaked Psychic Cards), we now have all the facts about these warp-charged beings and just what they are capable of. One of the more interesting additions in 7th Edition comes in the form of Daemonology in both its Malefic and Sanctic forms. The former favours the destructive nature of the Warp and its hell-bound minions, while the latter harnesses those same eldritch energies to cast the servants of Chaos back into the Eye of Terror.

Of course, what would 7th Edition be without some meaningful tweaks to the already established five core psychic disciplines? Let us see just how these powers will function and what strength psykers can derive from the Warp. A note that I will mostly cover the differences between editions when discussing the old psychic powers without giving mention to meta changes like the Psychic Phase already covered in my previous article so as to avoid wasteful information.
Due to extensive article length, I have this split this up into three pieces. This is Part Two.

27 May 2014

2000 Point Fantasy Tournament Results!

Hey guys, I recently attended a Warhammer Fantasy tournament at my local Games Workshop store. It was an all-day event broken down into three 2000 point games per person between eight players with an added "monster allowance" following the normal percentage restrictions as per the Monstrous Arcanum book. It was a lot of fun and while I can't really remember all the hijinks that ensued during the other matches, the three I played were filled with all different kinds of hilarity. Let's just say I was courting Lady Luck on Saturday!

25 May 2014

Psykers in 7th Edition - Psychic Disciplines Part One

Hey there folks, I am Learn2Eel from Imperator Guides and today marks the continuation of my analysis on psykers in 7th Edition. Thanks to many of our friends in the Bell of Lost Souls blogging network (specifically to 40k Daemons for the leaked Psychic Cards), we now have all the facts about these warp-charged beings and just what they are capable of. One of the more interesting additions in 7th Edition comes in the form of Daemonology in both its Malefic and Sanctic forms. The former favours the destructive nature of the Warp and its hell-bound minions, while the latter harnesses those same eldritch energies to cast the servants of Chaos back into the Eye of Terror.

Of course, what would 7th Edition be without some meaningful tweaks to the already established five core psychic disciplines? Let us see just how these powers will function and what strength psykers can derive from the Warp. A note that I will mostly cover the differences between editions when discussing the old psychic powers without giving mention to meta changes like the Psychic Phase already covered in my previous article so as to avoid wasteful information.
Due to extensive article length, I have this split this up into three pieces. This is Part One.

23 May 2014

Taking 7th Edition In

Hey guys, Learn2Eel here with another quick update. The reason for the recent lack of content has been the steady leaks of 7th Edition Warhammer 40,000 from trusted sources such as Kirby over on 3plusplus and Naftka on Faeit 212. I've been taking it all in - with particular regards to Psykers - and mulling over what the changes will mean for each army in the game. As much as a lot of the rule changes seem like minor tweaks, the culmination of all these small details will still see a heavily changed meta. Vehicles of all kinds will be seen far more commonly rather than just Skimmers, while ranged Flying Monstrous Creatures like Fateweaver or Hive Crones received immeasurable buffs over the more melee oriented ones such as Daemon Princes.

There is a lot to cover and it seems like I will have to put the Astra Militarum Tactica series on indefinite hold with so much to address from the core rulebook. I'm hoping to get a continuation of the Psykers in 7th Edition mini-series posted up by tomorrow night, though as always I make no promises! As a side note, you can expect my next video game review in the next fortnight; Watch Dogs has been one of my most anticipated games for the past two years, and I am very excited to finally share my thoughts on what looks to be a fantastic experience. From Australia with love, have a nice day and I look forward to hearing your thoughts on the new edition of Warhammer 40,000!

18 May 2014

Psykers in 7th Edition - An Introduction

Hey there ladies and gentlemen, my name is Learn2Eel from Imperator Guides and today I wanted to discuss one of the most heavily advertised aspects of the new edition of Warhammer 40,000; extended psyker rules! The addition of a "Psychic Phase" joins Challenges and Overwatch/Stand and Shoot as the latest rules making the jump from Warhammer Fantasy to Games Workshops' science fiction series in the past few years. I hope you enjoy this article!

14 May 2014

Black Ark Khaederes - Project Log 1

Hey there everyone, it's Learn2Eel here and I wanted to provide a proper update on the progress of my Dark Elf force. Black Ark Khaederes has been mostly successful so far with several victories, one crushing defeat and a very closely fought loss. Though I don't feel I have the time to really commit to a Dark Elf Tactica series as it would be put on hold almost immediately by the advent of 7th Edition 40K, I can at least provide you all with my impressions of how the Druchii fight. I hope you find this article useful!

10 May 2014

7th Edition 40K and Imperator Guides

Hey guys, this is going to be a quick update on just how the new Warhammer 40,000 Edition (6.5 or 7th) is going to affect any outstanding and already published Tactica series. As a start, I'm going to halt progress on the Astra Militarum until probably a month or two after the release of the new edition. I see no point in writing a full Tactica series for a codex and then re-writing most of it to deal with inevitable rule or meta changes as it would just be a waste of time.

Additionally, I am going to go through and update all of my current Tactica series that were written for 6th Edition (except the old Tyranid codex one for obvious reasons) to fix up and discrepancies with the new rules and even provide some much needed updates after extensive play-testing. Extended play-time with certain units can see my opinion on them change rather dramatically - as has been the case with certain Chaos Daemon units in particular - so I hope I can provide more accurate tactics and thoughts for those entries.

In the mean-time, I will see if I can do some interim Dark Elf work as I have gotten in a lot of games with them in just over a month since my first model purchases for the army. The stand-out performers so far have been the Witch Elves by far, while Warlocks and Executioners have done well enough. I'm not too happy with the Cold One Knights, but that could just be due to the armies I face. I have also had a quick glance at the Wood Elf book and am suitably impressed as with the other two Matt Ward elf army books. They are a strong force with a potentially meta-changing answer to high armour saves, hopefully putting a stop to those ridiculous chariot spam Warriors of Chaos armies.

Other than that, there isn't really much to talk about unfortunately. Rest assured though that I'll be covering the new rulebook in its entirety and trying to help everyone ease into 7th Edition with contrast articles between previous and updated versions of the rules. I am looking forward to 7th Edition Warhammer 40,000 and in particular its attempts at balancing out all those horrible death-stars and maybe giving a bit more spice back to assault forces. I hope you have a nice day, and I look forward to hearing your thoughts on what we know about 7th Edition so far!

8 May 2014

Astra Militarum - Unit Overview Part 3

Greetings Sergeant, this is Company Commander Lernius Eelo of the 66th Cadian Defence Regiment. Your latest correspondence has indicated a 19% decrease in casualties for your squad as your soldiers have now adapted the standard practice of two carrying a heavy weapon rather than one unfortunate man or woman. This is an acceptable but expected change, though I am displeased to hear that you are still uncertain of a Guardsman's place in the Astra Militarum. As you must have full awareness of both the handle and the head of a hammer when striking a ferocious blow, so too must you learn to grasp the many elements of our great forces in your hands simultaneously. I therefore feel it is necessary to continue this personal, unofficial training. If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to respond when you are able. Remember; to seek advice is not a sin, as knowledge is power.
This is Part 3 of the Astra Militarum Unit Overview series.

6 May 2014

Astra Militarum - Unit Overview Part 2

Greetings Sergeant, this is Company Commander Lernius Eelo of the 66th Cadian Defence Regiment. Your latest correspondence has indicated a 19% decrease in casualties for your squad as your soldiers have now adapted the standard practice of two carrying a heavy weapon rather than one unfortunate man or woman. This is an acceptable but expected change, though I am displeased to hear that you are still uncertain of a Guardsman's place in the Astra Militarum. As you must have full awareness of both the handle and the head of a hammer when striking a ferocious blow, so too must you learn to grasp the many elements of our great forces in your hands simultaneously. I therefore feel it is necessary to continue this personal, unofficial training. If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to respond when you are able. Remember; to seek advice is not a sin, as knowledge is power.
This is Part 2 of the Astra Militarum Unit Overview series.

4 May 2014

Astra Militarum - Unit Overview Part 1

Greetings Sergeant, this is Company Commander Lernius Eelo of the 66th Cadian Defence Regiment. Your latest correspondence has indicated a 19% decrease in casualties for your squad as your soldiers have now adapted the standard practice of two carrying a heavy weapon rather than one unfortunate man or woman. This is an acceptable but expected change, though I am displeased to hear that you are still uncertain of a Guardsman's place in the Astra Militarum. As you must have full awareness of both the handle and the head of a hammer when striking a ferocious blow, so too must you learn to grasp the many elements of our great forces in your hands simultaneously. I therefore feel it is necessary to continue this personal, unofficial training. If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to respond when you are able. Remember; to seek advice is not a sin, as knowledge is power.
This is Part 1 of the Astra Militarum Unit Overview series.

1 May 2014

Astra Militarum - Army Special Rules and Orders

Greetings Sergeant, this is Company Commander Lernius Eelo of the 66th Cadian Defence Regiment. I am transmitting to you my knowledge of how to maximise the fighting effectiveness of those men and women serving under you in your latest service rank. This advice is strictly off the record and in no way a segment of your formal officer training. If you wish to succeed in your new role as Squad Sergeant, employing these tactics in both training sessions and live combat will prove necessary. If you have any queries as to your new position or how to adapt these tactics into your regime, please do not refrain from contacting me. We are the Hammer of the God Emperor and his most righteous defenders. For the Emperor and Mankind!