
30 Dec 2015

Horus Heresy - The Basics of 30K

My Blade for the Warmaster: My Shield for the Emperor! Greetings fellow hobbyists and welcome to the first article in my Horus Heresy series, a collection of works aimed at helping 40K veterans and beginners alike integrate into this famous period of human civil war. I feel the timing was appropriate given the fresh Betrayal at Calth set offering players a phenomenal value entry into the Heresy that uses both plastic and local stock as further enticements. With that said, read on and (hopefully) enjoy!

25 Dec 2015

Orks Tactica - Blitza-Bommer

Greetings my fellow greenskin enthusiasts, I bid you welcome to another article in which I inform you once again that green is best! Today I'll be discussing the last of the flying death trio, the Blitza-Bommer, armed with one of the more devastating bombing weapons in any standard codex. I hope you enjoy this review!

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas to you all and Happy Holidays!

22 Dec 2015

Twitch Stream (Friend)

Hey guys, one of my friends' is doing a live-stream at the moment that I'm participating in, he's new to Twitch and we are trying to help him get started. If you feel like listening to me make a moron of myself (you'll figure out which one I am pretty quickly) then feel free to have a casual view! Thanks guys!

21 Dec 2015

Orks Tactica - Burna-Bommer

Welcome all to the newest addition to my Ork Tactica series, also known as WAAAAAAAAAGH! Next up on our list of reviews is the Burna-Bommer, a flier specialized towards massacring light and medium infantry in a way that few other units in the codex can really emulate. I hope you enjoy this article!

17 Dec 2015

Orks Tactica - Dakkajet

Greetings my fellow war-gamers and welcome to the latest entry in my Ork Tactica series! This time I'll be looking at the Dakkajet, the "fighter jet" of the Ork air force and the most versatile of the bunch. I hope you enjoy the article!

15 Dec 2015

Orks Tactica - Deffkoptas

Hello fellow greenskin players and welcome to another entry in my Ork Tactica series! Today I'll be focusing on Deffkoptas, the Warhammer 40,000 definition of a pin-prick and one of the most efficient units in the Ork codex; they can zip around and bring you victory points like few other greenskin models. I hope you enjoy this article!

13 Dec 2015

Tactica Space Marines - Heavy Support

Greetings fellow hobbyists and welcome to what should be one of the last Unit Overview articles in my criminally long Space Marine Tactica series. Hopefully the short break I've had hasn't stayed your gaming delight too much and you can enjoy some more break-downs of the amusingly crowded Adeptus Astartes army list. Thank you for your patience!

7 Nov 2015

Tactica Space Marines - Fast Attack

The Emperor protects all those who view His analytical works, as contrite and ill-worded as they may be. If you vow to read His prophetic musings, you will be blessed for eternity and given the sanctity of faith in illiteracy. May you take pleasure from His foul works!

1 Nov 2015

Tactica Space Marines - Sergeant Chronus

Greetings all and welcome to my newest article for the Space Marine Tactica series! Today I will be focusing on the famous Ultramarine special character Antaro Chronus; he is the quintessential tank commander character of Warhammer 40,000 - even if his in-game exploits cannot match that of Knight Commander Pask - and got a juicy update in the latest codex to boot. Hopefully you find some measure of entertainment or insight here!

28 Oct 2015

Tactica Space Marines - Sergeant Telion

Greetings all and welcome to yet another addition to my already-too-darned-long Space Marine Tactica series! Next up on the roster of individual unit reviews is Sergeant Telion, and I guess I can preface this article by remarking that this particular character has improved out of sight with the new codex. Fitting for a Veteran Scout Sergeant, no? In any case, I hope you enjoy the article!

26 Oct 2015

Tau Prediction List

Hey guys, this is a new type of series premiering alongside the new Tau codex (prematurely due to the leaks) - you can expect my Overview soon as well as the full review to follow - wherein I record a set of predictions made for the codex a month or two in advance of its release and compare those predictions against the actual final product. This is a fun little game of guessing that I think some of you might find entertaining as it presents a good chance to laugh at your one and only co-creator of Imperator Guides, the one who is still learning the art of being an eel. I hope you enjoy it!

As a note, these predictions were made before any of the leaks were dropped meaning at the time I had no idea as to what models there would be. I will use a points system scored out of the total number of questions to rate my prediction performance, with each result featured in bold text just underneath the prediction. Spoiler alert; I failed miserably.

22 Oct 2015

Stormsurge Pre-Codex Field Testing

Greetings all and welcome to a short-form report of my practical experiences with the Tau Stormsurge so far. There's not really much to say other than a simple hint; they've performed incredibly well! I hope you enjoy the article and thank you for reading it!

13 Oct 2015

Tactica Space Marines - Chaplain Cassius

Greetings fellow hobbyists and welcome to another addition for my Space Marine Tactica series! This individual unit review will focus on the revered Chaplain Cassius, one of the most ancient and powerful warriors among the Ultramarines Chapter. I hope you enjoy it!

A note: I apologize for how late I posted this article, I should have posted it about two-three days ago but legitimately haven't had a chance to check my blog out in that time. I'm deeply sorry for the delay!

12 Oct 2015

Tactica Space Marines - Elites

Greetings everyone and welcome to yet another entry in my Space Marine Tactica series, this time with a focus on the venerated Elites choices fielded by the Adeptus Astartes. There is a wealth of choices here with a wide range of varying worth, but generally speaking most of these units have seen either minor or major buffs with the release of the latest codex. I hope you enjoy this article!

7 Oct 2015

XV95 Ghostkeel Rules Review and Pre-Codex Impressions

Greetings all and welcome to yet another pre-release early impressions article for a soon-to-be-unleashed Tau Battlesuit; this time, the Tau have unleashed an infiltration specialist upon the galaxy and have caused quite the ruckus in doing so. If you want a quick summary of how I feel about the Ghostkeel before jumping into the article, I'll merely say that I'm a big fan of the Ghostkeel for a number of reasons. For the Greater Good!

Be aware that this article contains rule spoilers for the upcoming Tau Codex; if you don't want to know about what of the new units are capable of until you have the codex in-hand, feel free to skip this early impressions review.

I also must stress that before reading this review you should realize that the opinions expressed in this article are based on leaked images that do not fully represent the Ghostkeel's profile - we do not know what the Fire Team special rule provides to a unit. This is intended to be my early impressions of the Ghostkeel prior to its release in the new codex and should not be viewed as a full, final review of the model.

3 Oct 2015

Tactica Space Marine - Troops

Hello there ladies and gentlemen; I bid you a warm welcome to the newest entry in my Space Marine Tactica focusing this time on the iconic Troops choices that have long been considered uninspiring or bland by comparison to many of the Xenos codices. I hope you enjoy this article!

29 Sept 2015

KV128 Stormsurge Rules Review and Pre-Codex Impressions

Greetings all and welcome to another early impressions review article for a soon-to-be-released Tau unit; this time I have elected to focus my attention on the KV128 Stormsurge, the latest addition to the Tau roster of Lords of War. While my impressions for the Tau'nar Supremacy Suit were positively glowing because of how absurdly under-priced it is, I will spoil you on the content of my work here by stating in advance that the Stormsurge gets my seal of approval for a completely different reason. I hope you enjoy my thoughts on this awesome new model!

Be aware that this article contains rule spoilers for the upcoming Tau Codex; if you don't want to know about what any of the new units are capable of until you have the codex in-hand, feel free to skip this early impressions review. 

I also must stress that before reading this review you should realize that the opinions expressed in this article are based on a blurry image that may lead to some mistakes with regard to the Stormsurge's actual rules. This is intended to be my early impressions of the Stormsurge prior to its release in the new codex and should not be viewed as a full, final review of the model. 

27 Sept 2015

Tactica Space Marines - Chief Librarian Tigurius

I bid you all welcome to my tactical analysis for the venerated Chief Librarian Varro Tigurius of the Ultramarines, a psyker renowned for being one of few to make direct contact with the Tyranid Hive Mind and still retain his sanity. He has been one of the strongest HQ choices available to Space Marine players for two editions running and he forms an integral part of many competitive armies; he is so ridiculously useful overall that many players will actually use the Ultramarines Chapter Tactics purely to unlock Tigurius' exceptional talents. Without further delay, I hope you enjoy this article!

23 Sept 2015

Tactica Space Marines - Generic HQs

Greetings all and welcome to the second overview article in my Space Marine Tactica series, this time focusing on the Generic HQ choices of the codex. Users of the Adeptus Astartes undoubtedly have more characters (generic or unique) to work with than any other army with each choice ranging from solid to fantastic in the right circumstances. I hope you enjoy this article!

18 Sept 2015

The Tau'nar Supremacy Suit - Experimental Rules Review

Hello everyone and welcome to a spontaneous article brought to you by a veteran Tau player. Today I will be focusing on the experimental rules for the Tau'nar - or "Tau Titan" as it has come to be known by the community - and providing my impressions of them. I hope that you find this to be a fair and balanced discussion!

15 Sept 2015

Tactica Space Marines - Captain Sicarius

Hello all and welcome to the first proper tactics entry in my Space Marine review! I'm experimenting with this new review format that covers the general qualities of a unit in the Unit Summary article and then focuses purely on actual capabilities and uses of the unit in the Tactics article. These will run in parallel with the Unit Summaries and hopefully line up fairly well so that the full Tactica series reaches completion in a timely fashion. I look forward to hearing your feedback on this and I also hope you enjoy the article!

13 Sept 2015

Tactica Space Marines - Unique HQs

Greetings all and welcome to my Unique HQ choices article for Space Marines! The Adeptus Astartes have more named characters to choose from than any other faction in the game, and while not all of them are that useful, that most are built to support your army gives them each their own special place in a given force. I hope you enjoy this article!

8 Sept 2015

Tactica Space Marines - General Overview

Greetings all and welcome to the beginning of a new series of Space Marine articles! This particular entry will be on the shorter side but I hope it serves as a prelude to something far greater; the Seven Days of Glory are merely one part of what I have planned for the Adeptus Astartes. I hope you enjoy this quick look and summary of the Space Marine codex!

2 Sept 2015

Orks Tactica - Stormboyz

Hello and welcome to the latest entry in my Ork Tactica series! Stormboyz are one of the more amusing choices in an Ork list, prone to fly off into the air and explode in a shower of green gore just as often as they crash into an unsuspecting foe with tremendous force. While not the most competitive choice and certainly not the ruler of the Orks' Fast Attack slots, Stormboyz are nonetheless a fun and cheap assault unit that exchanges a mandatory Trukk for their natively-equipped Rokkit Packs to accomplish a similar end result. I hope you enjoy this article!

30 Aug 2015

Orks Tactica - Trukk

Greetings all and welcome to a long overdue return to my Ork Tactica! A world of pain awaits those that underestimate the lowly Ork Trukk, specifically when they are part of a multitude of highly mobile and aggressive units which usually populate competitive greenskin forces nowadays. Also, just a quick note; I will complete the Ork series in the same style as the previous articles so that the series has a sense of continuity, while I will adapt any potential changes into the Space Marine series. I hope you enjoy this article!

26 Aug 2015

Honesty and the Future

It is a fine day when I can finally type out the words "greetings friends" once more on an Imperator Guides post, though truthfully I've been secretly dreading having to return to the responsibility I feel this blog mandates. Before I begin to elaborate any further though, I want to quickly warn you that this won't be one of my usual pixie-thin status updates saying that 'yeah, I'm ok, I was a bit suck but I'm fine' only to disappear a few weeks later in a rush much like each time a Grey Knight hears the words "Daemon" and "nearby", usually in that order. Prepare yourself for an eye-straining, unfathomably large wall of text all to do with yours truly in which I will try to answer the more obvious questions I sense are searing your minds presently. This is the kind of raw honesty that you all deserve.

Blood Angels Codex Summary Part V

The finale, the encore. Be prepared!
This is the last work in progress I had before my prolonged break and so I've merely added the finishing touches to it so as to elevate it to a state of readiness; the sister post to this article will fully cover my unreliability over the past year and what is really happening right now with everything related to Imperator Guides. In any case, hopefully you find some measure of usefulness from this aging work of mine covering a nearly year-old codex!

28 Jun 2015

Blood Angels Codex Summary Part IV

More Blood Angels, you say? Indulge me!

24 Jun 2015

Blood Angels Codex Summary Part III

Greetings all and gird yourselves for the war that is reading snarky tactics posts based on a tabletop war-game! The Blood Angels might be left shocked and disparate after the recent Adeptus Astartes codex releases, but in my opinion they are still at the very least a decent 7th Edition book that competes well with the pre-Necrons style of codices.

20 Jun 2015

Blood Angels Codex Summary Part II

More Blood Angels! What more could you possibly want? Oh, a Space Marine Codex review? Stay tuned...

17 Jun 2015

Blood Angels Codex Summary Part I

Greetings. Blood Angels. Enjoy. Hah.

12 Jun 2015

Eldar - Codex Summary Part V

Howdy all and welcome to the last Eldar Codex Summary article! Delays aside, let us begin.

7 Jun 2015

Current Projects and Return

Howdy all! I'll not bore you with a long introduction so I'll just skip to the meat of this update; my internet issues are resolved, I've had a much needed break from blogging and I've been able to pay greater attention to my personal hobby projects. Fortunately, Games Workshop hasn't taken a rest at all and as such I have plenty of work to get through still; I need to complete my final Eldar article, then I have to cover Harlequins, Skitarii, Cult Mechanicus, Blood Angels, Imperial Knights, the four Imperial Assassins, Khorne Daemonkin and soon-to-be both Space Marines and Dark Angels. Additionally, I've been tearing my hear out in excitement at the much-awaited reveal of the Age of Sigmar, while getting my video gaming groove on with the Witcher 3. All in all, it's been a fine month - barring the sleep deprivation and sickness - and I'm eager to start again!

Eldar - Codex Summary Part IV

Greetings all, welcome to the fourth article in my Eldar Codex Summary series! Given that the wait for this article has been massive due to my internet shortage problems, I'll skip the usual meaty introduction and go right into the review!

6 May 2015

Internet Issues

Hey guys, just a quick update; there will be a delay on future blog posts due to some unexpected internet connection issues our local area has suffered through lately. As I am currently posting from my phone, you can understand that writing full-on blog posts without using a proper keyboard just isn't possible. I'll put up the next Eldar post when I can!

4 May 2015

Eldar - Codex Summary Part III

Welcome all to the third entry in my Codex: Eldar summary and review! While the HQ slot obviously provides Eldar forces with natural leaders and awesome psykers, the Troops slot nonetheless forms the crucial core of the army whether as part of a Combined Arms detachment or when using the all-new Craftworld Warhost detachment. Some codices are hamstrung deeply by their lack of versatility in the Troops slot or even any really solid choices, but this is most definitely not the case with Eldar; all units are solid at worst and some are counted among the best Troops squads in the entirety of Warhammer 40,000. As a veteran of many other armies, this kind of luxury should not go unappreciated as it makes such a huge difference to designing lists that are both fun and competitive at every level of play. I hope you enjoy this article!

30 Apr 2015

Eldar - Codex Summary Part II

Welcome all to the second entry in my Eldar Codex Summary series! I have elected to focus solely on the HQ section here so as to give individual unit reviews to its constituents that I feel are appropriate given their importance to standard Eldar army lists, and I must say that I am highly impressed with almost all of the characters present in the slot. I hope you enjoy this article!

26 Apr 2015

Eldar - Codex Summary Part I

Greetings everyone and welcome to the beginning of my early codex summary for Craftworld Eldar, a prelude to my full review which should begin circulating in the coming weeks. I am personally very happy with the codex as a whole, even if certain elements introduced by it do serve as perhaps the worst examples of game balance design in recent memory. In any case, I hope you enjoy the first part of my Codex Summary series which should comprise roughly four or five articles.

19 Apr 2015

Bloodborne Video Game Review

Bloodborne. The "gothic masterpiece". The "first next-generation title to live up to the hype". The "finest example of horror since Resident Evil 4". The "culmination of From Software's nightmarish legacy". No game has inspired such a wealth of gushing praise and cacophonic cries of joy this generation, standing tall as the spiritual successor not truly to Dark Souls, but instead to Miyazaki's tale of origin - Demons' Souls. It is equal parts action adventure, role-playing and survival horror, though is everything but a disappointment; Bloodborne stands as a testament to what the Japanese developer community is capable of even in spite of the recent American domination of the video game space. If you enjoyed any single entry in the "Souls" series or have an acquired taste of the occult, Bloodborne will captivate you like few other titles can dream of; truly, the nightmare never ends.

17 Apr 2015

With Regards to Eldar

Hey guys, I wanted to put up a small post with my reaction to the various Eldar confirmed and rumoured changes and what effect that will have on the blog. Having viewed all of the major Warhammer 40,000 forums lately, it is quite obvious that many players are upset or otherwise bemused by what we have learned so far about the new codex. Massed Destroyer weapons and an over-powered Jetbike unit certainly don't paint a pretty picture for a rules update that should really be focused on toning down an already superlative army, but I do want to say that I think we should all wait up before labeling this as the "death of 7th Edition" as some have termed it. While we know Jetbikes are going to be too darned good, we have no idea what points costs will be associated with units such as Wraithguard and Wraithknights that can now bear Destroyer weapons. I hold out hope that this will be a well designed and balanced codex both internally and against the other 7th Edition books, even if early evidence does seem to speak to the contrary.

With that in mind, I'm going to wait until I have the codex in-hand before I cover it fully; I will go over all of the various changes between codices and hopefully transition into a full review, especially as my Ork review just isn't working out as I intended. I will continue to work on the Ork articles but I must impress upon those eagerly awaiting more on that army to be patient if possible as my previously documented struggles of late aren't really going away any time soon. Eldar are an easy army for me to review because I am more familiar with them than perhaps any other force I have used or otherwise covered, allowing me to develop and release content quicker for them. Aside from those two major codices, the only 7th Edition releases I have yet to cover are Blood Angels, Khorne Daemonkin, Harlequins and Skitarii; the latter three will probably be handled in one or two articles, though the first will obviously require more work due to the much greater selection of units. That being said, I'm more familiar with Blood Angels than any other Space Marine codex so that won't be too much of a "challenge" so to speak. In any case, I hope you are all enjoying yourselves and your hobby lately! I want to give a special mention to the recently released Bloodborne for occupying a lot of my time as well, and I do hope to do a review of that particular video game; I wanted to do reviews for numerous games released over the past six months but was either too sickly or never fully completed them to enable a proper overview.

14 Apr 2015

Dark Eldar Unit Overview - Part IV

Happy late Easter everyone; I hope you all enjoyed your holidays and got some nice chocolate hobby to celebrate the occasion! If your eggs were nice and large then surely you should enjoy this final installment in my Dark Eldar Unit Overview series as I have elected to cover the Heavy Support section today.

10 Apr 2015

Dark Eldar Unit Overview - Part III

Greetings my fellow debased kin and welcome to the third entry in my Dark Eldar Unit Overview mini-review series! I've found this codex to be much more impressive than a lot of the initial reception seemed to indicate, though obviously a lot of that may be rooted in the fact that it can and will struggle to deal with a lot of the truly top-tier builds - much like almost any 7th Edition codex, of course. In any case, I hope you enjoy my thoughts on the Elites and Fast Attack slots; the former is still nice with one greatly-improved unit, while the latter is stacked with excellent choices.

7 Apr 2015

Dark Eldar Unit Overview - Part II

Greetings everyone; I bid you welcome to the second entry in my Dark Eldar Unit Overview series. I was eagerly awaiting the new Dark Eldar codex to see how Games Workshop would handle the archetypal "glass cannon" army of Warhammer 40,000 in 7th Edition, and I must admit my initial impressions weren't great. A lot of units didn't receive the buffs they required to remain competitive in the current meta, but the strong lists of the past and the play-style these hedonistic butchers are famous for did remain intact. Today, I'm reviewing the HQ section and analyzing the importance of these characters and their retinues to a successful Dark Eldar force; I hope you find this a helpful article!

6 Apr 2015

A Message for Warhammer Fantasy Players

Greetings. This will not be like my other posts and will not halt progress on them. I simply felt the need to address the concerns of all Warhammer Fantasy players left confused and worried by the climax of End Times: Archaon. If you have yet to read that tome, avoid this post as it spoils the ending of the most significant background progression for a Games Workshop game system in decades.

With that said, I will make myself perfectly clear; I do not deal in rumours, hence why I hope what I am about to say should carry some measure of weight despite the fact that I am not considered a "reliable source". Here's the rub;

I have had discussions with multiple Games Workshop staff and all have universally stated that no model range in Warhammer Fantasy is being removed.

Simple logic will tell you why this is the case; plastic moulds are expensive to make and Games Workshop does not make their money back on them quickly. The armies everyone thinks will be removed, namely Dwarfs and Lizardmen, both had numerous plastic model releases in the past year and a half. It makes no business sense to suddenly pull these models before the company has had a chance to turn a profit on them.

Hell, apply that logic to the company as a whole; as a consumer-focused business, why would Games Workshop suddenly alienate a huge portion of their fan-base by invalidating their armies? The simple answer is that they will not do that, though what will most assuredly happen is that there will be new model ranges and existing ones will be updated. I don't know this for certain but I'd like to think the people I talked to are very trust-worthy and know what they are talking about.

As for those saying that the End Times series was a last-ditch cash-grab aimed at current Warhammer Fantasy players, understand that it was both a tool of change to help ease players into the new setting and also a send-off for the existing incarnation of the setting. It saw the return of some of the most important fan-favourite characters such as Nagash and Neferata, while newer entities such as the Glottkin and Skreech Verminking were given their own time to shine. This was organized and delivered as a love-letter to fans of the setting to try and provide both a fitting finale and to help ease them into the biggest shake-up to the game in ages.

If you are worried about your army being invalidated or your models becoming unusable in an official sense, don't be concerned. Games Workshop isn't as stupid as some of you believe, and while certain armies may not necessarily be updated with new rules or models, you will not have to replace them.

To the people propagating the fear-mongering and lies surrounding the rumoured destruction of the game as we know it, you disgust me. Enjoy the attention while it lasts.

1 Apr 2015

Orks Tactica - Kommandos

Howdy there everyone and welcome to a massively delayed entry in my long-running Ork Tactica series, and I aim to do the sneaky Kommandos justice in this particular article! I must offer my deepest apologies to those that have been eagerly awaiting my return both to the greenskins and my more lengthy works, but I guess all I can really say on the matter is that I've been really struggling to get anything written lately due to sleep deprivation and other notable issues. Those excuses aside, let us begin!

27 Mar 2015

Dark Eldar Unit Overview - Part I

Greetings everyone and welcome to the first entry in my miniature Dark Eldar review! As a former player of the maligned and twisted brethren of the Eldar, I've ever been a fan of the the unique style of play this army brings and how much it embodies the simplistic mantra of rock-paper-scissors. This is an unforgiving force that punishes mistakes and rewards quick wit, leaving many to call them the 'veterans' army' as they are hugely rewarding to play when used properly and smartly. I hope you enjoy this article!

21 Mar 2015

End Times: Archaon - Rules Review Part II

These are the End Times.....but they also herald the beginning of something special. There has been much controversy over this release and while I refuse to comment on the ending of the background book at this time, you can be sure that I will cover that and share my personal opinion of the matter in my next article. For now, I hope you enjoy this early look at the rules found in End Times: Archaon, including some powerful new profiles for existing and debut characters as well as a multitude of formations, an all-new army list and even one jaw-dropping change to army construction.

16 Mar 2015

End Times: Archaon - Rules Review Part I

These are the End Times.....but they also herald the beginning of something special. There has been much controversy over this release and while I refuse to comment on the ending of the background book at this time, you can be sure that I will cover that and share my personal opinion of the matter in my next article. For now, I hope you enjoy this early look at the rules found in End Times: Archaon, including some powerful new profiles for existing and debut characters as well as a multitude of formations, an all-new army list and even one jaw-dropping change to army construction.

Due to article length, I have chosen to review only the characters in End Times: Archaon, excluding the titular villain himself. The rest of the review will be posted soon.

11 Mar 2015

Necrons - Unit Overview Part VI

For this final article in the Necron review series, I'll drop the cold and boring act; thank you all so much for your continued support of my work and the blog in general! Exceeding 1 million life-to-date views a few weeks ago was a tremendous achievement and one I couldn't be prouder of. With that in mind, let us get right into this last part of the overview featuring the Necron Lords of War.

Editors' Note: I deigned not to review the Formations and Decurion Detachment as I have not had enough experience with those as yet to really comment on them. However, I do rate all or most of them very highly based on what limited anecdotal and theoretical evidence I have. 

5 Mar 2015

Necrons - Unit Overview Part V

This is Report #365 my Lord. The catacombs of our dynastic home have borne a nexus of unstable energies, and our technomancers have harvested these and adapted them to our machines of war. By your will, we shall unleash these instruments of death upon the living. None can stop our advance.

1 Mar 2015

Necrons - Unit Overview Part IV

This is Report #364 my Lord. The galaxy trembles as our endless legions continue their crusade of reclamation. Our vanguard regiments pursue and isolate enemy interdiction forces, the Decurions improve our fighting efficiency by 39%. The living know nothing of our true might. Death comes for all.

23 Feb 2015

Delays and 1 Million Views

Hey guys, just a quick update on the lack of posts in recent days. I've had huge sleep deprivation issues for over a week now and have just finished up at a local tournament, suffice it to say I need rest and a break from the blog. Normal post times should resume within the week. Sorry for the delay!

By the by, if you have yet to notice our life-to-date views counter on the website, we have surpassed the one million view mark as of a few weeks ago! That we have been active for roughly two years and achieved such a milestone is a huge accomplishment and I couldn't be more grateful for all of our support from everyone. You make this blog worth preserving and are the sole reason we exist! Thank you so much!

19 Feb 2015

Necrons - Unit Overview Part III

This is Report #363 my Lord. Our forces continue their march across the galaxy, the deathless legions proving unstoppable in our newly organized Decurions. The machine binds these warriors to your will, my Lord, for the mind is empty. With your guidance, they shall conquer the stars. Glory awaits the dead.

16 Feb 2015

Necrons - Unit Overview Part II

This is Report #362 my Lord. Your analysis has been implemented into our doctrines and we can now commit to further military efforts across the fallen kingdoms. Legion commanders display improved individual combat efficiency between 39 to 89 day cycles after reawakening. The reclamation process will continue. We reap the living in your name, my Lord. We are deathless and none can stand before us.

13 Feb 2015

Necrons - Unit Overview Part I

This is Report #361 my Lord. The reclamation process is proceeding with an 89% success rate. Adapted tactics have increased our legions' combat efficiency two-fold. despite the mortals' inferior technological advancements. The living shall be cleansed, my Lord. Our dominion of death is unstoppable.

10 Feb 2015

Grey Knights - Unit Overview Part IV

Greetings brothers and sisters and welcome to my latest work regarding our fellow Knights of Titan, the Grey Knights! While this particular entry in the series won't actually feature any individual unit reviews, it still fits in with my miniature-review and as such I felt it prudent to cover the artefacts and formations on offer in the codex. Thankfully, the Grey Knights do have an excellent unique detachment that acts as a catalyst for enhanced competitive lists with its focus on short-ranged destruction and maximising the safety of each unit after they perform their individual alpha strikes. I hope you enjoy this article!

6 Feb 2015

Grey Knights - Unit Overview Part III

Greetings all and welcome to the third article in my Grey Knight Unit Overview series! I will be covering the Heavy Support and Lord of War choices from the latest codex, determining their competitive value and providing miniature unit analysis' for ease of viewing. I hope you enjoy this short addition to my Grey Knight review!