
WHFB Tacticas

This is our collection of all tactics-based articles and Tactica series' for Games Workshops' Warhammer Fantasy game. With the recent release of 7th Edition Warhammer 40,000 I have had little time to properly devote to the "vapourware" Dark Elves and Vampire Counts Tacticas. Stay tuned for further updates in this space! Please be aware that all of my Warhammer Fantasy "Tacticas" can be considered Unit Overviews with the exception of the High Elf articles concurrently - the next fully fledged Tactica will either be the Undead Legions or Dark Elves.


Dark Elves
Dark Elves - Unit Overview Part 1
Dark Elves - Unit Overview Part 2 
Dark Elves - Army Special Rules and Magic Items

Dwarfs - Lords and Army Special Rules
Dwarfs - Heroes
Dwarfs - Core
Dwarfs - Special
Dwarfs - Rare

High Elves
High Elves - Part 1 - Army Special Rules
High Elves - Part 2 - Special Characters
High Elves - Part 3 - Lords
High Elves - Part 4 - Heroes
High Elves - Part 5 - Core
High Elves - Part 6 - Special
High Elves - Part 7 - Rare
High Elves - Part 8 - Army Book Summary

Lizardmen - Lords and Army Special Rules
Lizardmen - Heroes
Lizardmen - Mounts 
Lizardmen - Core 
Lizardmen - Special

The End Times
(Book I) Characters and Units
(Book II) Characters and Units
(Book III) Armies of Khaine
(Book V) Characters and Units

Vampire Counts
Vampire Counts - Army Special Rules
Vampire Counts - Vampiric Powers
Resurrection Unit Analysis
Vampire Counts - Unit Overview Part 1
Vampire Counts - Unit Overview Part 2
Vampire Counts - Unit Overview Part 3

Warriors of Chaos
Warriors of Chaos - Unit Overview - Lords
Warriors of Chaos - Unit Overview - Heroes and Mounts
Warriors of Chaos - Unit Overview - Core 
Warriors of Chaos - Unit Overview - Special
Warriors of Chaos - Unit Overview - Rare

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