
24 Feb 2013

We are Elite!

  Hey guys, JT here to update on the slight lay-out changes we've implemented as well as the revamped colour scheme to help make the site a lot more visually appealing and easy to navigate - this is part of our constant re - evaluation process that all sites follow; particularly if they're like us and are only a very young site! Either way, we're also proud to announce that we have been incorporated into the +Bell of Lost Souls Alliance Elite blogroll which is remarkable to say the least - and we are extremely thankful for this opportunity to get our name out there and spread our helpful articles to those who need it. We're very happy to be part of the BoLS family and we appreciate the continued support we're receiving from both the community and Bigred; look for us in the lounge and feel free to talk to us!
Feel free to let us know what you think of the new scheme and if you can suggest any improvements. Cheers everyone!

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